Saturday, April 01, 2006

JULIA ROBERTS First time on Broadway and at the Stage Door

Opening Preview Night People surrounding her car. Many of them came from the other broadway shows as Three Days of Rain had not let out yet. Bradley Cooper

Julia was very generous with her time. I know one autograzzi who got three things signed. On Wednesday night they changed the place where she would exit. The crowds were still enormous. (before she shared an exit door with the Avenue Q & the Phantom of the Opera stars, it was probably difficult for their fans to reach them) I think the enormous crowd problem could be solved if they got rid of the paparrazzi and the professional autograph dealers (autograzzi) (everyone in this picture falls under those categories). I would like to see her only sign playbills.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm watching the play in a couple of weeks. I was wondering if she posed for pictures with fans like Denzel did for Julius Caesar?

4/03/2006 11:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The play was horrible - what was Julia's agent thinking?? Or, what was Julia thinking?? She should
not be on stage! She should stick to movies and the type of role that she seems to be type-cast in. I guess she took this role for the money. If she's that desperate for money, she should go back to Mystic, CT and work at Mystic Pizza!!

4/06/2006 11:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Julia doesn't pose with fans. It's completely to insane at the stage door.

4/06/2006 1:12 PM  
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