Then the big surprise of the night - Janet Jackson
After a last minute of primping Ms. Jackson made it to the Red Carpet.
I began a volley of Janet, Janet, Janet so she would maybe look my way and I could get a better picture. I think her handler heard me.
After the event was over and the celebs were leavi, I stationed myself next to 3 little girls, ok not too little as one was 16, had a child and insisted on smoking in tight quarters. We were behind the police gates, next to the photographers cage. After everything settled down, I slowly told them who was inside. With each name they let out a scream of joy. Then each time a celeb left the library and made their way down the stairs, I told the girls who it was, then the girls would scream their names, tell them how much they loved them. That night I got better pictures than the paparazzi as the celebs made a bee line towards this young girls, and then usually just jumped in their car. Janet actually moved towards her car, changed her mind and walked back to the girls after she heard them groan with dissapointment when JJ just walked by. When Ms. Jackson came back one of the girls told her that she loved her, JJ was her idol, and then JJ hugged her and told the girl "you can be just like me with hard work and dedication. Promise me you will try." Then Ms. Jackson was off in her car, ignoring the press, and the other three pens full of fans.

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