Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The VMA's and Radio City Music Hall and JLO

So after work on Thursday I go to Radio City to see how close I can get to the action. Hmmm not close at all, it was a zoo. To get near the Red Carpet you had to be a radio contest winner. I would later meet someone who told me what it was like to be a seat filler, something I had applied for but couldn't meet the standards, 1) get there by 1PM, 2) dont bring your camera 3) If you see Madonna, ignore her, don't speak to her, don't look at her. Well that last one just killed it for me.After circling the building I noticed J-Lo's car heading to her house. So I headed up to well I'm not gonna tell you were she lives silly. (I guess it's scary that I know her car, eh) On my way to JLo's, I passed the Parker Meridian where people (connections), that the Pussycat Dolls were just about to come out. They did and here are four of them. At this point someone told me that JLO and Marc were inside. (Which was strange since I know she practically lives 1 block away.) Well I had to trust them, even though I didn't see the car. Suddenly several people ran into the hotel to the back door. Sure enough there was the car. A few minutes later the regal couple emerged. It was all so hurried I didn't have a chance to yell out the question on my mind, like are you two going to be parents, soon?
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