Engine 10, Ladder 10124 Liberty St.World Trade Center; The closest Firehouse to WTC which was damaged but has now been rebuilt.

9-11 Memorial Wall is Dedicated to New York City Firefighters in Ceremony at Engine 10 Ladder 10 June 10, 2006; a bas-relief sculpture, 56 feet long and six feet high, made of solid bronze, depicting FDNY members responding to the scene on September 11th.

The Financial Center Today. The tall grey bldg above the sailboat is the only new bldg that has risen at Ground Zero. It is WTC 7 on the site of the last bldg that fell at the site.

Sphere for Plaza Fountain, 1968-71, Fritz Koenig, Tobin Plaza at WTC. Bronze, 25 feet high. The WTC memorial now located in Battery Park in lower manhattan. This Sculpture was originally the centerpiece in the WTC Plaza. It was damaged in the Sept 11 attack, but survived destruction. It was placed on display as it was found in the debris.

Upon hearing the news that the
World Trade Center had been hit by hijacked jetliners, Father Mychal rushed to the site where he was met by
Mayor Rudolph Giuliani who asked Judge to pray for the city and its victims

This bus is covered, inside and outside, with 2,876 plastic-laminated black-and-white photos of 9/11 victims. In total, 2,996 people died in the 9/11 attacks,
excluding the 19 hijackers. Four hijacked U.S. airliners were involved in the attacks

Friday night 9/8/06; The zig zag lights are attached to the Deutsch Bank Bldg which is scheduled to be torn down at some point. The photo exhibit at the site.

In May a budding writer and blogger named D. Challener Roe realized that he couldn't name one Sept. 11 victim other than Todd Beamer, the passenger who helped roll the hijackers who planned to fly United Airlines Flight 93 into the nation's capital. "As one of the millions who pledged never to forget those killed on 9/11, I realized I hadn't kept my promise," he wrote by email Sunday from his Raleigh, N.C. home. He thought of writing something about each of those who died, but decided "I'm not that good a writer." But why not put out the call for an army of volunteers? That's the origin of The 2,996 Project, an effort to enlist bloggers to celebrate the lives of those who died in the terror attacks of five years ago today. "It's about making them real to those of us who have never heard their stories," he wrote on his site. While word of his project spread with help of some conservative bloggers, he sought to avoid politics in his project: "Grief," he wrote, "is non partisan." Today, all 2,996 posts should be online, posted on mom and pop sites around the country. There are memorials from a family of fundamentalist Christian home schoolers in Virginia, and from a mad-about-martinis mother in Colorado. Two boys, ages 4 and 6, wrote tributes.
What a great montage, Hughie - thank you for this obviously thoughtfully well-laid out post! Come over to my blog for a post on how Bush allowed 9/11 to happen!
kudos on the great photos as always dear
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