Gone Fishing
Blogger seems to be having problems today. Last week I worked 65hrs, today I am sick as a dog. So we are all going to take a few days off. HughE2030
Capturing life, celebrities, Red Carpet Events, People other People talk about whether in New York City, Philadelphia or the world. This blog is about my journey from fan to photographer/paparazzi; and you are along for the ride as I provide you with the inside scoop - (Please Use this Photo Credit: HughE Dillon)Tips/Questions Info @ HughePhotos.com (no spaces)
I will miss you...I was at the corner of 57th and 8th Ave and noticed a red carpet being set up at the new Hearst Building...and I thought to myself that surely Hughe would be there to capture whatever hoopla would be occurring...guess now. Get well soon!
Get well soon, HughE!
Thanks. Doing better. Took two days off from work, and 4 days off from celebrity sightings...
Yes I missed Oprah again at the Hearst opening, but tomorrow night I will be looking for Babs at Donna Karan's party. Wanna come? It's at 8PM.
cool, please guidance so that I can create a blog like yours
aktivitas penyebab keguguran
manfaat dan bahaya buah nanas
cara melancarkan haid
tanda tanda kehamilan
cara membaca hasil usg
hamil muda
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