Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Yesterday was John Lennon's Birthday

Over the past year or so I must have visted Strawberry Fields at least 50 times usually to see how my "friend" Gary decorated the memorial. Gary is a homeless Vet who for the past 9 years has adopted the memorial and has been decorating the site ever since. Gary told me that every morning he stops by the local florists and food markets for day old flowers and occassional fruit. I have to say one of my favorite decorations was when he decorated the memorial with strawberries, some of them even cut in quarters and halves. Unfortunately that photo has been archieved off site (if you took as many photos as I did you would have an offsite archieve too) So today as I was feeling slightly better, I thought I would trek out to one of my favorite sites and see how Gary decorated John Lennon's Imagine for his birthday. 10/09/06

This is the Dakota. It was here that John Lennon, Yoko Ono and their son Sean lived. Yoko still lives here. Gary tells me that on special occassions Yoko comes out to the memorial. She's thank him for continuing to honor John's memory. April 2006 - Gary; On this day I gave him a print out of 9 photos of Imagine with his flower decorations. Including the one I took of Lennon's 65th Birthday.. and also Lennon's 25th anniversary of his death, 12/8/05. Jan 2006July 200610/10/06 - I took this picture about 4PM. It always amazes me that people are always coming by to view the memorial. Once I visited it at 10PM after a snowstorm. There were a few people there wiping the snow off the words - IMAGINE. Late last month I saw Sean Lennon at a party. He is the spitting image of his dad.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sean may look like John, but Julian's the Number 1 son who inherited his talent and his voice.

10/18/2006 2:43 PM  

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