The Clay Aiken and Kelly Ripa feud and now Rosie O'Donnell on the View calls Ripa a homophobe
OUGHT oh, I just got finished watching THE VIEW. ROSIE has now started a feud with Kelly Ripa. She said that Kelly would never have questioned Clay about where his hand has been it he wasn't gay. Then Kelly called and said she is not a homophobe (and I know she is not as her best friend, a guy, is dating my friend from high school, a guy), she just didn't respect that Clay put his hand across her mouth. I completely agree with Kelly. I wouldn't want someone putting their hand on my mouth. I hate when gay people think everything is homophobic; Rosie don't you think that maybe it was just about smearing the over the top caked on make-up Kelly Ripa wears?

Remember the nice girls I met at the Ellen taping on Saturday. You know, the big Clay Aiken fans, well ironically they ran into him on their way to the lighting of the 5th Ave Unicef Crystal Star lighting ceremony. Clay was the celebrity that was going to throw the switch this year. Clay surprisingly was more than happy to pose with them, which was surprising since every time they have run into him he is usually fan afraid. I think he is looking awfully Michael Jackson pretty in this picture. Now that MJ is out of the country, do you think the baton of weird behavior and pretty make-up is being passed onto Clay. What is up with that Joan Crawford arched eyebrow Clay?
Those gays stick together. Rosie said she feels sorry for Clay, that he's been picked on because he may be gay and basically accused Kell Ripa of being homophobic. I have to say that Rosie has picked the wrong battle. I saw the show, I thought Clay was rude and he must have a huge ego. Everyone knows that Kelly talks too much, but that is the charm of the show, and the irritant. Clay was constantly picking nellie queen fights with her, treating her as if she didn't have a clue about anything. She did have a clue, she was respectful enough not to ask him who he's been sleeping with. Maybe that was her mistake, because had she been a little tougher, maybe he wouldn't have thought to be so rude as to intimidate her by putting his hand over her mouth. See how quickly GAWKER stole my idea within an hour of my posting...of course they did video clips but still no mention of my blog which I tipped them off to has better coverage of the whole event, and they received the info from their reader much earlier than when I sent my info into Gawker as I was watching the show on TIVO at 1PM (I hadn't see it on Perez before about 5 minutes ago at 3:30PM, I've been sleeping for days, that NYC can kill a person - LOL)

Clay was a big queen for doing that to kelly, good for her when she said "who knows where that hand has been" heehhehe.
Clay can put his hand on my mouth anyday. heee heeee......
Wait, Clay's gay? Where have I been?!...
I think Rosie outed him!
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