Make Up Really Does Make A Huge Difference
Last year about this time "Barefoot in the Park" opened on Broadway starring Patrick Wilson, Amanda Peet, Tony Roberts and Jill Clayburgh. On opening preview night, Jill made us (the back stage doorers [probably not a word]) wait for about 90 minutes before her exit. I now know why, I barely recognized her, she had gotten so old, which made me feel old.
A few weeks later I went to the stage dooron Opening Night. This time she came out in a flash and had her full face on. Now I recognized her, and I felt young again as I walked away with my creaking knees.
I was too lazy tonight to do Dreamgirls montage. I just don't know where all that energy went when I was in NYC thriving on 5 hrs sleep. Tomorrow is another day. Thanks for your support as we head to 80,000 visitors and the blogs one year anniversary:)
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