Monday, January 01, 2007

Yet Again Happy New Year!! - Where's the PARTY!!

First of all - Happy New Year!! Mike and I held our 5th Annual New Years Bash last night. It was a good turn out and 15 of the 20 invites were able to make it. Unfortunately, we bought too much food. It wasn't Mike's fault, in fact he has a spreadsheet recording all the food consumed at the last 15 parties we have thrown and he always says we err on the side of buying too much food. Next time I will listen to him. We still have a full cheese and pepperoni tray, a Boston Creme Cake, a cheese cake and a huge bowl of fruit left. Anyone free this week for a get together?A few of my friends, Scott who I have know for 17 yrs, ME, Tim 2 (3 yrs) & Tim 1 (5 yrs)
Deming & Norbert Paul & Craig
First time attendee Michael S. and Fifth time attendee Mike C.My Mike calling his mom to wish her Happy New Years!! Why is it that everyone, at every party likes to hang in the kitchen? I almost missed the fireworks as I was watching the countdown and trying to adjust the simulcast music. Thanks to the RIVERWALK CASINO who sponsered the fireworks this year. Sorry you weren't picked to be one of the two casino's to be built in Philadelphia. (Thankfully no one walked through the balcony screen door this year)
The fireworks looked pretty darn good even though they are shot off two miles away.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love how you share your life with us all. You rock.
Those fireworks came out good, I tried to take some pics last night but no dice.

1/02/2007 12:39 AM  

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