Monday, February 26, 2007


Friday evening, former DNC Chair and current Hillary Clinton Campaign Manager, Terry McAuliffe did a reading and book signing at Friends Select School in Philadelphia "What A Party!" Which is a fascinating, hilarious, and provocative look at the life of one of Washington's legendary figures. From wrestling an alligator to running the Democratic National Committee to his friendship with President Clinton, Terry McAuliffe's wonderful memoir covers it all and is, without doubt, the political book of the year. Former DNC Chair after McAuliffe, Gov. Rendell introduced him. At the event McAuliffe said he was very honest in writing the story of the Clinton administration and the facts surrounding the impeachment. He provided an advance copy to the Clintons for review. The President returned it and said it was great, the best book I read since the Bible, don't change a thing; Hillary on the otherhand, over 250 corrections, none of which were content, but with gramerical errors underlined in red! Each book was inscribed personally with our names, you are a great democrat, Vote for Hillary, thanks - Terry McAuliffe
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