Lindsay Lohan and the Price of Fame
As I was reading the NY Daily News this morning about Lindsey Lohan in Japan...Japan is Lindsay's cup of tea
Lindsay Lohan is turning Japanese - we really think so.
She left Sunday for Tokyo, where she hit Club Feria on Monday night with deejay pals Samantha Ronson, Sinatra and Vitale. The trip follows a visit last week to the Izakaya Japanese restaurant in Los Angeles, where the 20-year-old actress ordered green tea - after being carded by the waitress. In Touch mag reports an older pal then ordered sake for the table, and quotes a witness saying La Lohan drank it from her teacup. Her rep denies that the rehabbed actress was drinking. ...I noticed the photo they used to accompany the story was taken in NYC, as that is the famed New York paparazzo Steve Sands in the background (google his name to get the dirt), the only current thing about the shot is she is sporting her newly colored blond locks.
A good photo acts in a similar fashion as residuals for a sitcom star, when the photo is re-run the media organization has to pay the photographer for the use once again. It's not always the case if the photographer is salaried by the newspaper, as this may be the case.

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