I Know, I'm Obsessed with those BANGS!!
I came across this nugget on the web and I have a couple things to say:
Singer Lily Allen poses with school children in Parliament Square as they launch the ‘Make Space Youth Review’ on July 11, 2007 in London, England. The report, which has been presented to Prime Minister Gordon Brown, has been chaired by Oona King and demonstrates worrying trends on all aspects on teenagers lives from risky behaviour to youth on youth violence and antisocial behaviour. The review has spent 12 months touring the country and consulting over 16,000 teenagers of all ages to find out what life is truely like for young people today.
Lily Allen and Christina Ricci separated at birth
I know I am obsessed with bangs, so much I have to show these shots again - Alycia Keyes
And last, and least Melissa Rivers - UGLY
My friend Katie commented recently that I did feature her bang shots, and if I was just that organzied I could post that shot. I am now off to the Philadelphia Blog Convention so I can continue to give you the best blog ever. http://www.blogphiladelphia.net/


People know who Lily Allen is in America?! I'm impressed. I tell you though, she's in the papers all the time over here. And all those Big Brother wannabe celebrities.
Why the bangs though, HughE??
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