Thursday, November 15, 2007

PARIS HILTON BIGGER THAN LIFE just trying to find her way in this world

The crowds arrived early for the signing that was scheduled at 5PM We were entertained by a DJ and the occasional trivia questions? "Which movies have Paris been in?" Surprisingly no one said her infamous one "One Night In Paris." Paris arrives at 6:15PM
Airbrush much? There are two things wrong with this picture, Paris' cream colored dress against the cream color background, and the asshole amateur photographer with the flying nun elbows
there was a velevet "press" rope, but he leaned into it at least 4 feet blocking most of my full length fashion "money shots". I would love to see his shots, we were 15 feet from her, and he didn't even have an external flash, although I was impressed by his "photographer's vest." then there's the folks who don't use flash brackets. I did have a conversation with someone who doesn't use the bracket, and he does news. The interesting thing is that most news photos are horizontal and celebrity photos are vertical. Cover shots have to be vertical, most photos in the glossies are vertical. It's celebrity photography 101 to shoot with a bracket and take the shot vertically. That way your flash is still on top of the camera and you don't get a side shadow. After a bit the PR moved the press out and the fans in Paris greeted the fans with waves, hugs and handshakesThere were lots of interesting fans (you can read about this one at but the most interesting of all wasSister Mary Heid, who told me that Paris is just a young girl trying to find her way in this world


Anonymous Anonymous said...

great spread, hughe! you know you're a big time photographer when you start critiquing the stars' wardrobe choices against the landscape for photo ambiance! ;) hahaha

11/15/2007 10:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great shots, and insight.


11/15/2007 11:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much money for the money shot?

11/15/2007 2:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe that guy was using external slaves from the balcony or something (I wasn't there but I'm sure that woulda been noticable). They do that especially at basketball games all the time. some arenas even have permanent flash heads mounted in the rafters.

11/16/2007 4:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually, judging by the shadows in photos from the wire like at,0,6
it looks like no flash, but spot lights probably from video cams. The one that's a bit weird is #10 where she's holding the bottle up cause the light is from below. Probably a vid cam from the hip to the right of the still photog. He was in a good position on #8 and 9 cause no spot light shadows so he musta been diagonally opposite the videographers pov.

11/16/2007 4:48 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

were these the only photos you took? I'm looking for some with me since macy's is a partypooper.

11/16/2007 10:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The photos on Pop-Sugar are interesting with the shadow of the people. I think what happened was that the guy who took them, the Splash photographer, was shooting from the side and I know his flash was faced upwards, and I guess the lighting from the store and others using foward facing flash caused the silohuttes of the people on the background.

11/18/2007 7:12 PM  
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