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I drove to the town on Sunday and took a few photos too. I spoke to a photographer from Buzz Photo, Justin Campbell, who was on the scene for the shooting last night. He said it was crazy and the police basically had the town on lockdown.
He didn't know how the filming was even completed as there were at least 200 fans screaming for Jennifer's attention at any moment. When Jen drove by she would wave from the inside of her SUV, but sadly never opened her window to the cold and damp folks.
Confessions should have a few photos from Justin sometime today as he was somewhat close having paid various residents money to hang out their windows above the film set to shoot. Seems they didn't evacuate the neighborhood, just secured the street level of pedestrians and cars. Rumor is Jen will be back in the coming weeks to complete filming on this street, but in the meantime will be somewhere in the countryside filming interior shots.
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