Thursday, November 29, 2007


A rare convergence of celebrity will be occuring this weekend and early next week in NYC. First I must say I promised the people in my life I would slow down and take a few weeks, then it turned into months, now its back to days off from running up to NYC to shoot the stars, but with the amazing line up this weekend thru Tuesday I had to go back on my word, so WHAT DO JOHNNY DEPP, NICOLE KIDMAN, KIERA KNIGHTLY AND MADONNA HAVE IN COMMON They are all involved in premieres this weekend through Tuesday in NYC Unfortunately for me it's supposed to snow, and if there's one thing I can't stand it's the cold, then the snow, and then celebrities with coats on. I know it's true they sometimes pose in the cold without their coats, but I don't see Madonna doing that. First up - Nicole and the Golden Compass on Sunday night. Time of arrival 6:30PM. Fans will stand across the street. I can't guarantee a visit like Lindsay Lohan did at the Georgia Rules premiere ora graph like Terrence Howard did just a few weeks ago at August Rushno for Nicole it will just be a wave, she's shyOn the otherhand expect Johnny Depp to greet his fans. He is the most generous celeb right up there with George Clooney, Angelina Jolie and Tom Cruise Sweeney Todd premiere Monday 8PM at the Zigfield on 54th Street. I suggest you get there by 6PM, and bring a small step stool. When readers of my blog start writing me for info and sending me tips, then I know this thing is going to be big. The other events are highly confidential and not for public consumption. There are some things I can't divulge. Have a great weekend.
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