The 2007 Philadelphia Flower Show - “Legends of Ireland ”
The Legends of Ireland has unfolded at the Pennsylvania Convention Center, March 4 – 11 as the Flower Show kicks off the season with more than 10 acres of gardens, flowers and entertainment celebrating the emerald isle.
There were several homes on display with colorful yards
filled with fairiers
and Irish folk
and some kind of legend, is this Pan?
and dinosauers, com'on was Dino in Ireland?
ideas for city living terraces...
there were flower arrangements, like this one, which is my favorite of the night
there were roses
Morning Glories opened in the evening.... on the vine
People with camera's
and cell phones photographing flowers (this women is being held from falling into the display, which I thought was funny)
table settings.JPG)
there were competitive table displays and people carrying bundles of sticks to display somewhere in their homes (on left, really in Center City when you see people carrying these sticks you know the flower show is in town, its the only time of year you see these sticks in the tri-state area)
there were contests...this harps string was a blade of grass and won First Prize among high school kids
this hanging chime won First Place
this hat hung by a strand of wheat, came in 2nd
Necklaces made of leaves and parts of plants. Starting closest to us, Honorable Mention, 3rd Place, 2nd Place and barely able to see First Place
a 150 years old bonsai
Then there was the 6 rows of vendors selling the most interesting products like: This contraption that is the perfect flower arranger, much better that the thing with nails where you have to stab the little stems, instead the stems are arranged within a spring like contraptions which you can see up close here:
This Floral Preserve liquid. It was only $40 and you could save up to 200 flowers for life.
Mr. Trump I know why there was a million dollar profit loss at the your casino today, some of the patrons were spending the day at the flower show.
You just saved me $25, really I would go if it wasnt so cold out and snowing.
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