Monday, March 24, 2008


Saturday I hung out with America Ferrera. A friend and I drove out to Bryn Mawr College to hear a panel discussion on women and politics. We were excited as we were the only two photographers. I am always surprised when this happens and it either says that photographers don't do their research and only go on tips that are readily published or given to them by their agencies. Secondly, laziness is something that I know suffer from. This week I had a call from a publisher in NYC who wanted to know if I had Hillary Clinton or Obama photos from their events this week. Sadly I was too lazy to leave the day job, cross the street and get Hillary. Obama was a little more difficutl as he was down the street a few blocks. I don't know what got into me, but I just didn't bother. Now for people to skip Ferrera, that's just crazy, she is one of the top 25 girls to get published. So I dragged my tired sick self to
32 Degree Lux Lounge in the PM to shoot her again. My motivation was to see if maybe she let down her hair, or changed. Niether happened, and then I forgot to ask her who's boots she was wearing, 'cause they were fierce. I'm happy to say I was the only photographer to get the full length shot of her. I was late, stuck in the up stair case and had to shoot through the grill.
It's become more apparent to me that all the paps are competitors no matter what agency we are shooting for. I think I take a decent photo, I still need to read my camera's manual, but half the job is showing up to take the photo.


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